Wednesday, December 17, 2008


(based on notes from Wed night service
Pastor Robert McGinnas) (Ezekiel 37)

Many of us think God is easily angered but the WORD says he's longsuffering.

All he wants us to do is acknowledge that we've fallen short.

HE can't help us until were willing to let HIM. Many times we think God approaches us with the same judgemental attitude that we approach people with.

Jeremiah 24.6 tells us that the LORD only wants to build his people up. He only wants us to return to HIM with our whole heart.

We'll probably be surprised at those we see in heaven. God is looking for a reason to excuse and forgive... not the other way around.

We have to see GOD for who he really is.

We limit GOD. He knows the choices were going to make before we even make them. He is the God of a second, third, fourth.... chance. We as people have our limits and begin to put up walls and distance ourselves from others when they cross us too many times. But GOD continues to be faithful to us no matter how many times we cry out. (When it's unintentional usually. But if we continue in sin intentionally, there are scriptures that warn us that 'GOD is not mocked'. He knows our hearts)

Mark 1.40 tells a story of a leper.
Many don't know that lepers were rejected from society. As they approached the general population, they had to call out, 'Unclean, Unclean!!' to warn of their presence. They lived in colonies especially for lepers where they would eventually die. Leprosy is symbolic of the death that sin brings to our lives and relationships.

God can cleanse the leprosy of our souls. Our mind and our conscience will be free and there is deliverance!!! HE wants to bring complete restoration and make us as strong as an army.

Ezekiel was told to prophesy to the bones. The LORD said HE would cause breath to enter the bones. Many times we look at our situations and think... it's too late, I've gone too far. But the LORD looks at it and says.... "I can do something with that!!!" He looks at our lives and sees potential. He looks at dry bones and sees and army

God did not yell at the bones (Israel) and tell them how stupid they were for being dry. They died spiritually and became the dead carcass of revival.

GOD restored the bones to exceeding greatness.
That which is dead can be raised again and made into something great. Sometimes we feel like the remains of a past revival but GOD restores. He speaks to the winds.........



Tuesday, December 16, 2008

BACK FROM HIATUS (not really.. just... well, I got lazy : 0 )

I wanna start off this post by requesting prayer for President Elect Obama. He is a man that apparently confesses JESUS with his mouth... but denies him with his Hindu Monkey god (along with his other 'lucky charms'. Check out the link

The only 'luck' a Christian needs is th blood of JESUS. Cause JESUS is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went 10 laps on the walk tonight. I'm ready for a new season. The season that is filled with victorious challenges. Gone are the days of despair. Gone are the days of dreading the obstacles ahead. These are the days of being prepared. Getting stronger and more prosperous with every victory. Gone are the days of 'can't', don't wan't to and 'later'. These are the days of 'I WILL', I HAVE TO' and NOW!!!

With all work there is gain. Prayer is work because you're in battle. Words are spirit. There is a fight to keep you from speaking life into the earth. You are like your Heavenly Father. Words are alive, words are spirit. The LORD spoke the world into existence. The LORD breathes life into us. We need to breathe, speak life and speak the word into this world. That none may be lost, perish.... burn.

On the walk tonight I felt a desperation for the LORD to cleanse my heart like never before. Give me complete forgiveness in my heart. Just that little bit of anger, bitterness, envy, hate, etc... could be enough for me to forfeit heaven. After this long journey, I can't give up the fight now. Create in me a clean heart oh LORD and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence Oh LORD and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation.... and renew a right spirit within me. Songs take on a whole new meaning when you find yourself in that very place of desperation as the lyricist.

The WORD tells us that in order to be forgive... we must forgive. We are only kidding ourselves to think other wise. The WORD Always supercedes our thoughts and understanding (futile).

It was cold tonight, about 54*. Had on my sweats, 2 shirts and a thick hoodie. At first I'm apprehensive about walking at night. Since it gets dark about 4:30 now, I end up walking at night (I GOTTA GET THIS FAT OFFA ME :) By the 3rd lap...I didn't care about nothing cause the 'feel good' hormones were flooding my system.

I was singing/praying in tongues. Praying in english. HE brings clarity. I pray that he doesn't allow anyone with demonic influence or intentions to even enter the catwalk. I pray the guardian angels guard the entrances and exits. I FEEL PEACE. (AND HEALTHY :)