Wednesday, December 17, 2008


(based on notes from Wed night service
Pastor Robert McGinnas) (Ezekiel 37)

Many of us think God is easily angered but the WORD says he's longsuffering.

All he wants us to do is acknowledge that we've fallen short.

HE can't help us until were willing to let HIM. Many times we think God approaches us with the same judgemental attitude that we approach people with.

Jeremiah 24.6 tells us that the LORD only wants to build his people up. He only wants us to return to HIM with our whole heart.

We'll probably be surprised at those we see in heaven. God is looking for a reason to excuse and forgive... not the other way around.

We have to see GOD for who he really is.

We limit GOD. He knows the choices were going to make before we even make them. He is the God of a second, third, fourth.... chance. We as people have our limits and begin to put up walls and distance ourselves from others when they cross us too many times. But GOD continues to be faithful to us no matter how many times we cry out. (When it's unintentional usually. But if we continue in sin intentionally, there are scriptures that warn us that 'GOD is not mocked'. He knows our hearts)

Mark 1.40 tells a story of a leper.
Many don't know that lepers were rejected from society. As they approached the general population, they had to call out, 'Unclean, Unclean!!' to warn of their presence. They lived in colonies especially for lepers where they would eventually die. Leprosy is symbolic of the death that sin brings to our lives and relationships.

God can cleanse the leprosy of our souls. Our mind and our conscience will be free and there is deliverance!!! HE wants to bring complete restoration and make us as strong as an army.

Ezekiel was told to prophesy to the bones. The LORD said HE would cause breath to enter the bones. Many times we look at our situations and think... it's too late, I've gone too far. But the LORD looks at it and says.... "I can do something with that!!!" He looks at our lives and sees potential. He looks at dry bones and sees and army

God did not yell at the bones (Israel) and tell them how stupid they were for being dry. They died spiritually and became the dead carcass of revival.

GOD restored the bones to exceeding greatness.
That which is dead can be raised again and made into something great. Sometimes we feel like the remains of a past revival but GOD restores. He speaks to the winds.........



Tuesday, December 16, 2008

BACK FROM HIATUS (not really.. just... well, I got lazy : 0 )

I wanna start off this post by requesting prayer for President Elect Obama. He is a man that apparently confesses JESUS with his mouth... but denies him with his Hindu Monkey god (along with his other 'lucky charms'. Check out the link

The only 'luck' a Christian needs is th blood of JESUS. Cause JESUS is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went 10 laps on the walk tonight. I'm ready for a new season. The season that is filled with victorious challenges. Gone are the days of despair. Gone are the days of dreading the obstacles ahead. These are the days of being prepared. Getting stronger and more prosperous with every victory. Gone are the days of 'can't', don't wan't to and 'later'. These are the days of 'I WILL', I HAVE TO' and NOW!!!

With all work there is gain. Prayer is work because you're in battle. Words are spirit. There is a fight to keep you from speaking life into the earth. You are like your Heavenly Father. Words are alive, words are spirit. The LORD spoke the world into existence. The LORD breathes life into us. We need to breathe, speak life and speak the word into this world. That none may be lost, perish.... burn.

On the walk tonight I felt a desperation for the LORD to cleanse my heart like never before. Give me complete forgiveness in my heart. Just that little bit of anger, bitterness, envy, hate, etc... could be enough for me to forfeit heaven. After this long journey, I can't give up the fight now. Create in me a clean heart oh LORD and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence Oh LORD and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation.... and renew a right spirit within me. Songs take on a whole new meaning when you find yourself in that very place of desperation as the lyricist.

The WORD tells us that in order to be forgive... we must forgive. We are only kidding ourselves to think other wise. The WORD Always supercedes our thoughts and understanding (futile).

It was cold tonight, about 54*. Had on my sweats, 2 shirts and a thick hoodie. At first I'm apprehensive about walking at night. Since it gets dark about 4:30 now, I end up walking at night (I GOTTA GET THIS FAT OFFA ME :) By the 3rd lap...I didn't care about nothing cause the 'feel good' hormones were flooding my system.

I was singing/praying in tongues. Praying in english. HE brings clarity. I pray that he doesn't allow anyone with demonic influence or intentions to even enter the catwalk. I pray the guardian angels guard the entrances and exits. I FEEL PEACE. (AND HEALTHY :)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

How clean are we in HIS EYES?

I Will Rest in You - Jaci VelasquezThe LORD sure has a way of cutting through our 'important' thoughts. I was getting in the shower after walking, busy thinking about the chores I needed to get down especially if someone decided to drop by. An instantly I felt the LORD drop in my spirit, you care more about how clean other people see you, if only you felt the same way about staying clean before me. Needless to say, clean, takes on a whole new meaning. Thank you LORD for the BLOOD of JESUS. Help me to stay clean before you and carry my cross.
Reference chapter: Romans 12
Romans 12

Living Sacrifices to God
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Serve God with Spiritual Gifts
3 For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.
4 For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,
5 so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.
6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith;
7 or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching;
8 he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.
Behave Like a Christian
9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.
10 Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;
11 not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;
12 rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;
13 distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.
16 Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.
17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.
18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.
20 Therefore “ If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Was HE Your First?

Remember when the reality of the Father's love swept through your spirit for the first time?

Man oh man!!! This song took me back to a place where rivers of water flowed. Back to a time in my life when NOTHING was bigger than God. When I trully had the faith of a child and was waiting with anticipation for HIM to split another sea.
What happens to us once we live life for a while? Do we start to get a little jaded? A little carnal? LORD whatever it is take it away from me, clean my heart and take me back to that place where YOUR voice is the loudest voice I hear!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

This Is The Day That The LORD Has Made, I WILL Rejoice And Be Glad In It

I love this pic of my son cause it shows what our response to God should be, one of SURRENDER
I Will!!! I Will!! I Will!!! I will rejoice and be glad. Our flesh doesn't wan't to praise God. But who is in control? Our flesh? Our Spirit? That same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us and quickens our mortal bodies. That's why the WORD speaks of a 'sacrifice' of praise cause you see, when our spirits were born again our flesh was not. Our flesh will not be glorified until Jesus comes back. So... this day we must say... I WILL REJOICE and BE GLAD!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

You Can Run, But There YOU are!!!

God is so good. Better to us than we are to ourselves. The way HE loves us and is sooooo patient! LOL Why is it that no matter how long we live, how many miracles of GOD we witness, we are just like the children of Israel talkin about how good things used to be with the leeks and onions? (Numbers 11.5) HELLO!?! Onions? Leeks? Spicy and savory as they may be.... give me manna please!

I'm sitting here once again, tripping off the love of GOD. Just like Jonah running to Tarshish when told to go to Nineveh. All HE ask is that we have the faith of a child. He knows everything we are going to think, say, fear, contemplate before we even do it. He is not the problem we are. Not other people... US... ME! I say this because even in James we are told to 'count it all joy.... diverse trials and temptations'.

Well I have to admit, one of my favorite vices, temptations is 'escapism'. Sometimes when things are getting overwhelming to the point where I can't see straight, like an idiot, I'll take a 'spiritual vacation' and assume a fetal position regarding a particular matter. Why. Why, Why??? I mean... I read Ephesians 6, I know we wrestle against flesh and blood, I know we are always in the midst of spiritual warfare... but yet....

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Call me crazy but I've started praying a prayer that I never thought I would pray. I was literally AFRAID to pray. Like Elisha prayed on behalf of his servant "Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see." (2 Kings 6.17) I know what you're thinking, "Of course we want GOD to open our eyes! Duh!" NO! I mean I want to LITERALLY see angels and demons at war I want to see how my prayer and lack of it affects the heavenlies. In these days and times we hear and see so much in the world that we begin to get numb, callous and unaffected.

I'm just being honest everyone. I get tired and spiritually lazy. But now is not the time. NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO GET SPIRITUALLY LAZY!!!! Prophecy is being fulfilled in the Middle East as we breathe. I'm looking for our saviour in the clouds, but until then were MANDATED to run. Yes, we're always gonna be runnin', but we must make sure it's ALWAYS With HIM.

And so I conclude with this, (this is usually the part where everyone who fell asleep in church wakes up and looks alive in anticipation of Sunday dinner), WHEREFORE SEEING WE ALSO ARE COMPASSED ABOUT WITH SO GREAT A CLOUD ODF WITNESSES, LET US LAY ASIDE EVERY WEIGHT, AND THE SIN WHICH DOTH SO EASILY BESET US, AND LET US RUN WITH PATIENCE THE RACE THAT IS SET BEFORE US...

It's that time again. My flesh is trying to take control, so since it is trying to become a 'weight' and a hindrance to my spirit, I got something for it. Death to the flesh, life to the spirit.

~~Stay in the WORD and


Reference scriptures: Jonah Chap 1, I John 3.20, James Chap 1, Revelations 1.7, John 19.35-37

Monday, May 5, 2008

HAPPY CINCO DAY MAYO ~~ Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

This song is so appropriate for this day. It explodes with Spanish flavor. Makes you wanna get up and praise GOD. Enjoy!!!

ATTENTION to all single mothers raising boys: How To Tie A Tie: The Half Windsor

Who says there's no help for single mothers raising boys. You can find all kinds of how to's on You Tube it's a treasure box filled with golden nuggets. This one came in handy when my son decided he wanted to start wearing ties to church. God is good. There is help in the most unexpected place we just have to look!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Abundant Life

Jesus said he came to give us life and more abundant. Many instantly think money or some type of comfort sustaining vice. I present to you the K.I.S.S. idea... only sanctified. Some say Keep It Simple Stupid, I suggest Keep It Simple Saints.

I've found that the more overloaded my life is with things and stuff, I waste too much time on maintenance. The more junk you buy, the more you have to dust, wash, etc. These days I look forward to simply getting out in the backyard and having fun with my boys. A lot of times we think we have to lavish them with the latest gadgets but kids are surprisingly simple at heart. I believe a lot of the gimme gimme spirit in them is something that is fed by the media or maybe their friends at school and such.

Sooo... although I look forward to outings, when you're rushing here and rushing there is there ever really any quality time to reflect and enjoy your loved ones. Or are we so beaten by traffic and traveling details that our 'good life' often turns into you needing a vacation to recoup from your vacation. I'm just rambling but it's true. I don't have much but it seems like the closer to 'simple' I keep my life the more I actually enjoy it.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Press On

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3.12-14 As we run this life long race of faith, we will constantly make choices that will either help or hinder us. We're human and flesh. Although or spirits have been reborn, this dirty flesh of ours will be kickin and screamin to the end.

Many scriptures in the WORD parallel our lives as Christians to that of a marathon runner. Knowing that.... we must be careful what we put in our bodies, even more so, what are we putting in our spirits?

It's funny how we will load our bodies with all kinds of junk that has no nutritional value what so ever and usually does nothing but speed up that aging and corrosion process. But when it comes to our animals and our cars we would never even think of expecting them to run on Coca Cola. Unless we were trying to clean off the battery acid (that should say enough right there).

Did you know for every ounce of coffee or cola you drink you actully excrete 1 1/2 times as much fluid (they are diuretics which leave you dehydrated, 90% of body ailments are caused by dehydration according to this book. you need to drink that much more water to make sure you do not get dehydrated, even more for those who live in the desert. Anyways...

Knowing how important water is to our physical bodies, for instance, did you know that arthritis is nothing more that the body telling you that there is not enough water within your joints and tissues. If our physical bodies suffer so much damage from lack of physical water, what is happening to our spirits when we are not drinking the LIVING WATER of THE WORD OF GOD?

After running a race for a while, you're bound to hit walls. But if we have taken the time to allow GOD to fill us up with HIS WORD we will be more than victorious conquerors. We will realized that the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us and quickens our mortal bodies. So we will not just fall out and surrender when these walls oppose us, but ante up and kick in, knowing that our second wind is near. God is faithful to keep us and he will never give us more than we can bear (to bad the bear in the pic didn't know that :)

Reference scriptures: Ecclesiates 9.11, Hebrews 12.1-4, Romans 12.1-2, Romans 8.11, I Corinthians 10.13

Monday, April 21, 2008

Everybody needs a QUIDA!!!!

We all have people in our lives who THINK they know us, maybe even better than we know ourselves. Usually we take their opinions with a grain of salt, and just move on (I mean you're supposed to delete junk mail right.... right?) As aggravating as it can be, we often have to patiently endure their unsolicited insight. (A BLIND person having insight... a pretty oxymoronic thought if you ask me!) Most of them just like to hear themselves talk, so hopefully it's helping THEM!!

But then there are those people whose blessings you HAVE to have. Those are the people who you seek for confirmation, consultation and often consolation among other things. I have VERY FEW people like that in my life (a smidgen as my mom would say) and QUIDA, affectionately known by me as WUIDA WUI, is one of those people. When I look at Quida I see strenghth, wisdom and perserverance. Like a diamond she has many facets.

Sometimes she's suited and booted executively, operating with the mindset of a CEO...

or she maybe she's Wildin' Out Wuida Wui
(my personal fav)

She's many things but above all... she's a GODLY woman

a LADY (with all CAPITAL letters, as IRIS would say)!

Growing up an only child, Quida has been a sister.

And no matter how long
it's been since we've seen each other or spoke, we always pick up where we left off.

Although she's my sister, she can quickly take on that mother role and challenge any idea you may have that could hurt or hinder you. I may not want to hear that mothering side but it makes me appreciate her that much more. Many people will see you headed towards danger and not attempt to help you see the red flags. NOT QUIDA!! At her BEST attempt, she will grab the flags, make you a designer pair of RedFlag Glasses (yes it's a brand name... Psyche!!!), patiently slide them over your ears and ASK you,

"Can you SEE that!?!"

We all need to be wearin' some RFG's!!!
Hot like Fire!!

I can't really remember her having a tolerance for uhhh....BULL!

Yes, Quida is a woman who is real. She's creative, oh so fashionable, knowledgable beyond measure, a breath of fresh air... and did I mention fun and spontaneous? Like the time I was all bummed out cause she couldn't make it to my baby shower, which was about a 3 hour drive. Only to have her casually pull up in front of the house RIGHT ON TIME. I don't know what was more entertaining, me jumpin' up and down with a belly fulla twins or the break neck speed it took her to jump out of the car and calm me down before I went into labor.


Oh and by the way,
if it wasn't for this woman right here...
uuhhh.. how can I put this,
would just be in marinade mode. :)

YES... like that!!! How many of you have YOUR own personal cheerleaders hmmmm? She told me months ago that she could see me "writing a blog". At the time my reaction was like ScoobyDoo hearing a fire truck, head tilted from confusion, "Huhhh?"
So here's to you Wuida Wui. Thanks for the little nudge (actually it was a PUSH).


P.S. I know some of you reading may even know Quida cause she forwarded this blog to you!! See what I mean? Well I need you to share your love for Wuida Wui down in the comments area. Thanks for listening. Proverbs 27:17 17 says As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. May you all have a Quida in your lives.

Stay in the WORD and Stay BLESSED.

Friday, April 18, 2008


We were created in Our Heavenly Father's image and likeness. He is the Master Creator, full of beauty and wonders. He gave us all creative ability. One of my ways of destressing and inspiring myself and maybe others at the same time, is creating videos for some of my fav songs on the Tube. So here's an oldie but goodie. Classics never die. NEVER SAY DIE!!!! YOU CAN WIN AS LONG AS YOU KEEP YOUR HEAD TO THE SKY. LOOK TO THE LORD!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

NOTE TO SELF: Remember you prayed, "Lord, keep me humble!" and be prepared

To all of us who pray this prayer, the hardest thing is REMEMBERING that you did when...

  1. You head to the restroom after socializing for a bit and realize that no one bothered to hand you a mirror to 'clean up' a bit. (Yall know what I mean)
  2. You had that presentation all mapped out, notes all in order, looked over it all night long, just to get in front of a group of people to stumble, stammer and shuck and jive cause you suddenly caught an acute case of CRS, Cerebral Flatulence or Pre-Senior Momentitus. Then as you nervously head to your seat, you wipe your brow and realize, while arm is suspended in the air and you feel the cold air under your armpit, you're exposing your... Royal Dampness for all the world to see.
  3. You feel that run in your stocking travel from your foot to your back as you get out of your car, bus, train first thing in the morning, and of course you're wearing a skirt. Guys, ever spontaneously decide to try on some shoes but end up having to expose your holey or Holy (and maybe not so fresh) ones to that cute little clerk that you tried to shoo away in vain?
  4. Your new place, car, outfit that you've just been so geeked about, maybe a little too proud of, succombs to some type of uncover-up-able (if there's such a word) damage. And you're forced to look a little GHETTO for a while until you can get it taken care of. I'm ridin' durty right now yall, had a tire blow out and some of my molding is shot.... but it's okay, weez gon be alright!!!! We still ridin'.
  5. You're still in denial and will imitate an NBA player trottin down the court before you ever admit or even acknowledge the fact that you almost got OWNED!!! Hey, a little slip and fall never hurt nobody, spiritually speaking, it's GOOD for the ego. :)
  6. You're at the front of a long line, all eyes on you and...DECLINE. Somebody please hit me up as soon as they start accepting lint as currency !!! PLEEEEZ!!!
  7. You got 'dissed' in public and you had NO 'comeback'. (Not one that you wouldn't have to pray for forgiveness for later anyway)
  8. You have to speak all tight lipped cause you are in desperate need of gum. And it's always like a calling card for those people who have no sense of 'personal space' and what it means to you..... particularly at that time. God love 'em.
  9. You're in line at the bank, and you're praying "Lord, please give me the older, conservative teller, not the LOUD, MACY GRAY teller". And after ignoring Macy for a couple minutes hoping ole conservative's timing is good, you grudgingly smile and head in her direction, only to have her announce that your account is in the negative. I said ANNOUNCE!! (Why is the line so close to the counter any way, and why do they have such a great view of the transaction area. I guess for the same reason we can drive a car that has the ability to go 200 mph but we're expected to go 70, oh sorry... just venting) (clearing my throat) I mean... maybe if Macy would just go ahead and ANNOUNCE that I'm DEPOSITING MORE THAN ENOUGH to take care of the..... (okay.. i'm exhaling... moving on..)
  10. Da DaDa Daaaaaa (Fanfare!!! Hear the trumpets blowing? :) #10 yall is my personal favorite!! I should get many a comment from this one!!! You take the time to really CLEAN your home, I mean its polished, all in order, lookin like Home and Garden smellin like Macy's but despite your many efforts to keep your house 'decent' at all times (shout out to all the Single Parents), company always comes by when everything is STRAIGHT UP STANK!!!!! Grrrrrr!!! (Can I get an amen?!?, Holler if ya hear me LOL)

Thank you LORD that I have a place to live that I have to keep clean cause some don't.... BUT STILL!

When we pray for humility, we can almost be guaranteed humiliating experiences. It only makes sense. It's cool when we can laugh and not take ourselves too seriously. And above all else we have to remember: Our Father is drawn to humility, that shows our dependence on Him but he is repelled by Pride. That's us saying we have it all in control when we don't.

James 4.6-7 ..."God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

I don't want God's spirit resisting me at anytime, I want HIM in my life at ALL times. Isn't it funny that the media always wants us to embrace things that GOD says is not of HIM. But than again, Satan is the PRINCE of the AIR, is it no surprise that media travels throught the air. Keep your armor strapped yall, He's coming soon.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I Gotta CRAMP Yall!!!!!

As I was hittin the catwalk early this mornin, Charlie came ridin on a horse FOR REAL!!! ha ha

I got some big ole Runda Tunda Amazon woman calves. So naturally you might assume it's mostly muscle. On the flip side, I have flat feet. So in reality my legs overcompensate by using other muscles and my poor calves just collect fat. (at least they're good for somethin:)

And then the life lesson came. I couldn't help but think about how when we don't warm up or prepare for life in this world (ie. putting on our spiritual armor, praying, fasting, bible reading, doing those Calf Raises), we end up getting in some type of rut or set back cause we THOUGHT we were ready.

We need to strap it all on Ephesians 6 ARMOUR OF GOD:
  • Loins gird with TRUTH - It is when we believe lies that we pervert what God has created, so if truth girds us at all times we will not give ourselves over to anything that is not ordained of God.
  • Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS - HIS righteousness makes us righteous shielding us from destruction of our vital and vulnerable areas.
  • Feet shod with the preparation of the GOSPEL of PEACE - Always be prepared to share the WORD of GOD.
  • Shield of FAITH - Quenches ALL the fiery darts of the wicked one. We walk by faith not by sight, sound, feel, smell or our taste buds. It was our flesh that got us in trouble in the Garden of Eden.
  • Helmet of SALVATION - keeping the truth of Christ on your mind.
  • Sword of the SPIRIT - The WORD of GOD, you can NEVER read it too much.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Purrr fect Match

I had to share this with you all. GOD is always showing us HIS provision and most of the time HE will point out how well HE dresses and keeps all other living, breathing things and then ask us, "YOU DON'T THINK I WILL TAKE EVEN BETTER CARE OF YOU?" Unfortunately, like the children of Israel, we find ourselves needing to be reassured every now and then. Well here's one for the books. I receive this daily blog from Ex Ministries/G Craig Lewis, and basically this one I'm sharing with you was a BIG reassurance long as I do what GOD wants me to, as long as I'm obedient... HE will take care of ALL my needs, INCLUDING a Godly mate.
After I read this blog, I happened to get a glimpse out my front door and I had to grab my camera. You're looking at Tiger and Snowball. I never even knew Snowball existed until we broght Tiger home cause my mom moved. My mom lived about a 15 minute drive away from my house. How long is that in cat travel? I have no clue, but to see these two together the way they love on each other. If GOD can give Snowball a Tiger from miles away.... HELLO!?! I'm getting ready is all I'm sayin! LOL
The EX Daily Word for March 27, 2008

Single's Week "The Perfect Match"

Prov. 11:5 The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but
the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness. When do you know that you have found your mate? The first issue is, what does God say about this person? This is why it's so important to stay sexually pure and Spiritually minded before you begin to date a person. If you nurture your relationship with God beforehand, then you will be able to hear him about the person you are interested in. If you are involved with this person sexually, then you will not know whether
they are from God or the devil because you have already become ONE with them.
I know many preachers and pastors say that there is no match made in heaven, but that is a lie! I would not want any mate that wasn't design by God for me. Why would God custom build Eve for Adam and not make a mate for you? The bible says in ALL thy ways acknowledge him and he WILL direct your path. It does not exclude marriage from that, but he said in ALL thy ways! There is no scripture to back up that "no match made in heaven" slogan because God desires to lead and guide us in EVERY area of our lives. And how in the world could we use our minds to choose a life long spouse? I believe this is why divorce is so prevalent among believers now. We are choosing based on chance and luck or our feelings and lust instead of hearing what God says about it.
I am convinced that God will not let a "Good Man" find a bad wife if he is living right before him. And I am convinced that a "Good Wife" will not be subject to chance when she marries because God has custom made her for someone. God is more detailed than that and there is a person that is created to match you! That's how big I feel God is and you cannot tell me that he allows us to blindly enter into a relationship with the wrong person! God says he delights in giving "good things" to his children, so if you ask for a perfect match will he not give that you? Of course no one is perfect, but they can be "perfect" for you! The most important thing before marrying anyone is to make sure you are secure in who you are. You must find your purpose in God and your place in the Kingdom of God to be a good candidate for marriage. If you have not tapped into your God given potential prior to a marital commitment, then you may suffer turmoil in your relationship trying to find yourself while you take care of your mate. That is what Paul was saying to the church at Corinth. 1Cor. 7:8 Marriage is a good thing,but if you can wait until you mature as a saint of God, it would be better.
Men, you cannot be a good husband if you don't know who you are! Women, you cannot be a help meet if you cannot even help yourself! This is another reason why it's so dangerous to play sexual and emotional games while dating. If you get too close, you will be blinded by lust and attraction and you will not be able to hear what God is saying. This person may be the devil in disguise. How can we see the future? We cannot! We must rely totally on God and God will be faithful to speak to us if we know how to hear him. But if we aren't secure in ourselves then we will jump at the first thing that makes us feel better about who we are. And my friend, that's God's position!
Until you get to the point where God can make you feel good about who he made you to be, you should not even consider marrying. People like to have fun with the opposite sex and date haphazardly, but that's a dangerous game. If you dance close to the fire, you will get burned. Your destiny and purpose can be tragically hindered by hooking up with the wrong person. So, my single believers, learn the voice of God before you become subject to the voice of a bad choice.

Suggested Reading: Psa. 73:24, Prov. 11:3, Prov. 3:6, Prov. 18:22 , John 16:13

This Daily Word is now a DVD. "The Power of One" A Message to Christian Singles

Be Still And Know

It had to be about lap 8. I was well into my ascension when my body started to feel a surge of exhaustion. Without even thinking about it I heard myself say, "Oh Lord! It hurts!!" He wasted no time answering me back in my spirit, "Who cares if it hurts as long as you're moving up and forward!" HALLELUJAH!!! And with that said I had to re-examine all my other 'hurts', 'pains', 'aches'. God is so good and he definitely has a since of humor!!!

Oh Myyyyy!!!!!!!!

What’s a person to do??? I know it’s probably operator error but geeeeezzz! I created a blogger account over a month ago and I’m just now blogging. Imagine that!!! Unfortunately I was never able to get into the other account I created called Katwalk Katharsis but I must have put in the wrong email address… yada yada… long story short I’m happier with the name having only one K in the middle. Well ya’ll, here’s to many blogs to come!!!!!